√ the forest modern axe cave location 101009-The forest modern axe cave map

Nov 21, 18 · This is the best and most up to date guide on how to find the modern axe in The Forest COST FREE DONATION ON MOBILE httpsJun 26, 15 · I'm lucky enough to of made a game just before the newest update and i got the Modern Axe when it was on the yacht ^ ^ However sadly i have not been able to find it in either of the 2 caves i've been in on a different save when playing online today, i even found a secret area in one cave where some planks were put up but it was out of the way and the planks were closeCan someone please mark on this map where the main cannibal village/modern axe cave entrance is?

Crafting Materials The Forest Map

Crafting Materials The Forest Map

The forest modern axe cave map

The forest modern axe cave map-Interactive The Forest Map Locations of items, tools, utilities, caves and moreCave 2 Hanging Cave Official The Forest Wiki Weapon Stats Wiki The Forest Map Old Pot Official The Forest Wiki Comparatives In Melanesia Concentric Circles Of Convergence How To Get The Modern Axe The Forest Tutorial Youtube Gallery The Forest Map Modern Axe Location The Forest V 0 61c Youtube

Top 5 Best Weapons In The Forest How To Get Them Pwrdown

Top 5 Best Weapons In The Forest How To Get Them Pwrdown

How To Find The Modern Axe Cave Album On Imgur 2nd episode of my lets play let me know what you think of this one The forest best modern axe upgrades The modern axe has a carbon steel head with a fiberglass shaft The modern axe has a carbon steel head with a fiberglass shaft The Forest Modern Axe Location 18Also called Recurve Bow Can be found in caves This bow will shoot longer and further than the crafted bow, and with more damage Modern Bow Crafting Material The Forest MapThe Mutant camp towards the south of the Sunlight Cave entrance was previously known to have the Modern Axe Caves edit edit source There are currently Five Cave Entrances on the starter island, and a total of two cave systems The Coast Cave, Sunlight Cave, and Spawn cave all connect, and the Anchor Cave and North Forest Cave connect

Oct 04, 15 · Modern Axe The modern axe is a weapon found lodged in a tree in the middle of one the cannibal villages The axe does slightly more damage than the plane axe and cuts down trees in only 9 hitsThe Axe Cave was created to provide a oneofakind experience and atmosphere for the thrilling sport of axe throwing Axecitement and good times come in second to only safety Our axe throwing coaches are always available to give you the tips and tricks to be successfulDec 06, 15 · Thank I had gone through the cave 2 but only find cave map , rebreather and normal loot Gonna check that area under the long rope again Personally I think you can add your guide to modern axe at cave 7It's easy to find and you can just ignore the armsy and climb down

I'm having an impossible time finding the modern axe All the wiki references say it's in "Cave 2", and I thought I had found that cave on the map, but I simply cannot find the axe!Sep 03, 17 · I managed to hunt down the place where the modern axe should be, in the cave to the far north, across the land bridge, just north of the sinkhole, past the octo, around the large hole in the ground and down the rope on the left side It should have been stuck in the rubble next to the red paint but it wasn't thereMar 09, 21 · The hidden stash room is a secret room that contains heaps of items and some story items It was added in update v0 of The Forest 1 Gameplay 2 Items 3 Gallery Release 10 4 Gallery 5 Update History The hidden stash room can be found in Cave 2 Hanging Cave There are multiple entrances to access the room The closest one is near the Lakeside Village, theres a

Top 5 Best Weapons In The Forest How To Get Them Pwrdown

Top 5 Best Weapons In The Forest How To Get Them Pwrdown

Modern Axe Cave Location The Forest Page 1 Line 17qq Com

Modern Axe Cave Location The Forest Page 1 Line 17qq Com

The modern axe is currently the most efficient, requiring only 9 hits to chop down a tree As for attacking mutants, the modern axe knocks down the mutant with each hit, making it effective for picking off small groups if you go through the respawn cave, you can get with only killing around 4 mutants It is considered one of if not the best weaponLocation There is only one location where the modern axe can be found, in the hanging cave (cave 2) The Forest Map Location Enter the cave from the west entrance (in the cliff near the native camp by the lake on the southern portion of the map)The best base location is a peninsula in the south east corner of the map( If youre new dont worry the first time you die (and the first time you die after a save, so save often) you get taken to the cave closest to the peninsula im talking about which can work as a free teleport home) Once you

How To Get The Modern Axe In 5 Minutes The Forest Tutorial Youtube

How To Get The Modern Axe In 5 Minutes The Forest Tutorial Youtube

Crafting Materials The Forest Map

Crafting Materials The Forest Map

Bonus points if you can help me locate the flashlight as well )Jan 3, 17 THE FOREST HOW TO FIND THE CLIMBING AXE The Forest Version 110 Hello everyone In this video I`ll be showing you a relatively easy way to find the ClimbingQuestion 3 comments Note though, the red pin doesn't always line up exactly with your actual location But if you find that lake and the huts, just walk straight away from the lake, between the huts, and you'll come to a crack in the cliffs

Cave 2 Hanging Cave Official The Forest Wiki

Cave 2 Hanging Cave Official The Forest Wiki

Cave 2 Hanging Cave Official The Forest Wiki

Cave 2 Hanging Cave Official The Forest Wiki

Hey everyone, in this video I`ll show you HOW TO FIND THE MODERN AXE in this version of game The Forest Version 110This is not a new location, it was alwaysJan 02, 21 · Modern Axe This sexy bad boy is same as rusty axe but a bit less block and slightly more damage Eric leblanc signature tools, even featured during cannon ending (the tv show scene) Katana For those anime otaku's out there I presented to you, steeltempered katanaThe Crafted Axe is a tool that the player can craft The crafted axe can be equiped and is able to cut down trees and plants or be used as a weapon 1 Usage 2 Crafting 3 Trivia 4 Gallery To chop down a tree or plant, first equip it from the inventory menu (I on the keyboard) and click several times on the tree until it is fully severed from its base Part of the tree will fall and split into

Top 5 Best Weapons In The Forest How To Get Them Pwrdown

Top 5 Best Weapons In The Forest How To Get Them Pwrdown

Modern Axe Cave Location The Forest Page 1 Line 17qq Com

Modern Axe Cave Location The Forest Page 1 Line 17qq Com

Mar 27, 15 · multiple axe hits (lots of hits) fire arrows sneak attack (sneaking up behind them with your weapon then hit them in the back of the head will do extra damage) locations surface (oftenly leading outher cannibals) caves (rare) behaviour attacks on sight health MEDIUMHIGHMay 28, 18 · The Forest allows you to mess around with so much of the game's code when you go into developer mode Here are all of the cheats and console commands that you can use in the game, and how to use themJun 19,  · The Forest Beginners Tips Tips When you start just grab everything you can Craft a spear (2 sticks) for easy deer and lizard kill, easy for fishing too Watch this guide on weapon locations (modern axe and katana are easy to get even on first day)

How To Find The Modern Axe And Dynamite New Cave The Forest Alpha 0 Theforest

How To Find The Modern Axe And Dynamite New Cave The Forest Alpha 0 Theforest

The Forest How To Find The Modern Axe Updated Location Youtube

The Forest How To Find The Modern Axe Updated Location Youtube




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